Christ as the Inward Teacher - a workshop on Quaker Faith for Today
by Ralph Greene of New England Yearly Meeting
Saturday - April 5, 2014 - 10 AM to 1 PM
Ralph is a senior minister/pastor in New England Yearly Meeting with strong roots in rural Maine. He will be sharing from his many years of experience working for spiritual renewal among Friends and other Christian groups. Ralph minsters with humor, humility, and a sprinkling of genuine “Downeast” storytelling. This is a special opportunity to meet and dialogue with an extraordinary Friend who has spent much of his life helping both individuals and groups listen to and follow the inward work of Christ.
Ralph is presently working for renewal among a number of small groups in New England including the Friends Meeting at China, Maine. Included below is one of his favorite quotes.
This is holy ground; we're standing on holy ground,
For the Lord is present and where God is, is holy.
These are holy hands. God's given us holy hands,
God works thru us and so these hands are holy.
These are holy lips, God's given us holy lips.
God speaks thru us and so these lips are holy.
These are holy times, we're living in holy times,
God loves thru us and so these times are holy.
-Christopher Beatty
Schedule for the workshop
9:45 coffee and registration
10:00 introductions and presentation
“God still speaks.”
11:00 small group discussions
11:30 break
11:45 large group sharing
12:30 worship
For more information contact Chris Stern at
Click here for a map to Middletown Meeting in Lima PA