"I told him the church was the pillar and ground of Truth, made up of living stones, living members, a spiritual household which Christ was the head of, but he was not the head of a mixed multitude, or of an old house made up of lime, stones, and wood." - george fox
Meeting for Worship 11 AM on First Day
Next Meeting for Business -February 8 - 9:30AM
435 North Middletown Road Lima, PA 19063
610-543-7321 for information
please send USPS queries to:
310 Park Ave. Swarthmore PA 19081
email: MiddletownQuakersInLima@gmail.com
Visit our Facebook Page
Gatherings at the Meetinghouse
We are currently holding a blended worship using Zoom but also meeting in person at the Meetinghouse. As usual worship occurs at 11am on Sundays.
Zoom can be downloaded on Mac or Windows computers, as well as iPads and Chrome books. For using the video element, it is best to be on a wireless connection and not your phone’s connection. Those without this equipment can easily call in and be connected via conference using your phone’s speakerphone.
You will receive an invite and you can attend by either clicking on the link or calling in by phone using the New York number. Tom Ceresini will send out the notice. We are grateful to Tom for managing the Zoom account. Committee Meetings and other activities may also be scheduled on Zoom or in person.
Please be mindful of God’s presence within, treating Zoom worship as you would if you were with us in person. - Rich Ailes, Clerk
Donate Online to Middletown at https://www.pym.org/donate/middletown-at-lima/. This link takes you to PYM’s online vendor where you can make donations to PYM as well as our Meeting.
“For looking down at sin, and corruption, and distraction, you are swallowed up in it; but looking at the light that discovers them, you will see over them. That will give victory; and you will find grace and strength; and there is the first step to peace.” – George Fox